Easy Digital Downloads is a simple plugin for WordPress. Unlike many other plugins you will come across, it is quite lightweight and does not overload your website. You can expect the site to run quickly and without any problems.
It also provides a state-of-the-art validation system, which is good for those customers who want to upload multiple files at the same time. The entire interface is pretty robust, so you don’t have to worry about people getting frustrated and leaving the site before buying anything.
What else comes with Easy Digital Downloads? Your customers get their profile so they can always come back and download what they bought.
You can send discount codes for those special summer or holiday discounts. You can also easily track all payments that go through your site and manage reports with ease.
Easy Digital Downloads has great reporting tools so you can view your earnings by date ranges and categories. All statistics can be filtered by searching for specific products.
Reports are stored in the WordPress dashboard with clear charts and tables, so even a novice can understand and feel comfortable reading informat ion. Data reporting tools include buttons to export your store’s data. All exports are transferred to a CSV file. We also like the fact that you can track all downloads from your website and check for possible abuse or spam. All your sales are also detailed in the data reporting module.
Customers love a good discount. That’s why it’s so important to provide discount codes for special events or holidays from time to time. Fortunately, Easy Digital Downloads discount code feature is built into the plugin. For example, you can choose a percentage or fixed discount for your customers.
Some other customizations include the ability to limit coupon usage to a certain number of times used or type of user. Automatic start and end dates are possible, as well as the ability to include or exclude certain products from discount codes.
Finally, you may require a minimum purchase amount to receive a discount. For example, you might say that a customer gets 20% after spending $50.